McDonald’s caramel iced coffee recipe is a highly sought-after beverage that has become increasingly popular among coffee enthusiasts worldwide. This refreshing and indulgent drink is made with a rich and creamy blend of freshly brewed coffee, ice, milk, and caramel syrup, making it a perfect pick-me-up on a hot summer day or a delicious treat to sip on anytime.

The demand for this beverage has led many coffee lovers to search for the secret recipe to recreate this delicious drink at home. By following a few simple steps and using high-quality ingredients, it is possible to make a delicious McDonald’s caramel iced coffee in the comfort of your own home.

Whether you are a coffee aficionado or simply looking for a sweet and satisfying drink, this recipe is sure to hit the spot. It’s easy to make and requires only a few ingredients, making it a great option for those who prefer a quick and easy coffee fix.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to create your very own McDonald’s caramel iced coffee recipe at home. We’ll cover everything from the ingredients you’ll need to the brewing process, so you can enjoy this delicious drink whenever you want. So, let’s get started and satisfy our coffee cravings!

The Best Coffee Blends for a Rich and Flavorful McDonald’s Caramel Iced Coffee

The type of coffee you use can greatly impact the flavor and overall quality of your McDonald’s caramel iced coffee. Choosing the right blend can make all the difference in creating a delicious and satisfying drink. When selecting a coffee blend for this recipe, it’s best to opt for a medium to dark roast. These roasts tend to have a fuller and bolder flavor profile that pairs well with the sweetness of the caramel syrup. A blend with a nutty or chocolatey undertone can also add an extra layer of depth to the drink. Using freshly ground coffee beans can also enhance the flavor and aroma of the coffee, making for an even more enjoyable experience.

Mcdonalds caramel iced coffee recipe

McDonalds caramel iced coffee recipe

moka coffee pot
McDonald's caramel iced coffee recipe is a refreshing and indulgent beverage that is perfect for coffee lovers looking for a sweet and satisfying drink. Made with freshly brewed coffee, ice, milk, and caramel syrup, this recipe can easily be recreated at home.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course beverage
Cuisine American
Servings 1 serving
Calories 130 kcal


  • 1 coffee maker or French press,
  • 1 blender or shaker
  • 1 Measuring cup
  • 1 tall glass


  • 1 cup freshly brewed coffee
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons caramel syrup


  • Brew a cup of coffee and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  • In a blender or shaker, combine the cooled coffee, ice cubes, milk, and caramel syrup.
  • Blend or shake the mixture until it is well combined and frothy.
  • Pour the mixture into a tall glass filled with ice.
  • Chill the drink in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Enjoy your homemade McDonald's caramel iced coffee!


Nutritional Values:
One serving of McDonald’s caramel iced coffee contains approximately 130 calories, 2g of fat, 26g of carbohydrates, and 2g of protein.
Additional Notes/Tips:
To enhance the flavor of this recipe, you can experiment with different types of coffee blends or add a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powder on top. You can also adjust the amount of caramel syrup and milk to suit your taste preferences. For a dairy-free version of this recipe, you can substitute the milk with almond or soy milk.
Keyword mcdonalds caramel iced coffee recipe

The Importance of Properly Chilling Your McDonald’s Caramel Iced Coffee

One of the key elements of a great iced coffee is proper chilling. It’s important to avoid diluting the coffee with ice cubes or watering it down with milk. To achieve the perfect balance, start by brewing a strong cup of coffee and allowing it to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, add the desired amount of caramel syrup and milk, then stir to combine. Pour the mixture into a glass filled with ice and chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This will ensure that the coffee is properly chilled and the flavors have had time to meld together. By taking the time to properly chill your McDonald’s caramel iced coffee, you’ll be rewarded with a smooth and refreshing drink that’s perfect for any time of day.


What type of coffee should I use for McDonald’s caramel iced coffee recipe?

It is recommended to use medium to dark roast coffee blends with nutty or chocolatey undertones for a fuller and bolder flavor that pairs well with the sweetness of caramel syrup.

Can I use any type of milk in this recipe?

Yes, you can use any type of milk, including almond or soy milk, depending on your dietary preferences.

Can I make this recipe without a blender or shaker?

Yes, you can stir the ingredients together in a measuring cup or pitcher instead of using a blender or shaker.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator?

Yes, you can make the coffee mixture ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. However, it’s recommended to add ice cubes just before serving to prevent dilution.

How can I adjust the sweetness of the recipe to my liking?

You can adjust the amount of caramel syrup used in the recipe to suit your taste preferences. If you prefer a less sweet drink, start with a smaller amount of caramel syrup and gradually add more as needed.

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