Stone Street Coffee, located in the heart of Brooklyn, NYC, is known for its unique characteristics and full flavor profile when it comes to brewing coffee. As a favorite coffee destination among coffee lovers, Stone Street Coffee offers a range of options for its customers, including its popular cold brew coffee. Here is an recipe for Stone street coffee cold brew recipe
Cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason. The brewing process involves steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold or room temperature water for an extended period, usually 12-24 hours. The result is a smooth and bold coffee flavor, with a lower acidity compared to hot coffee.
Stone Street Coffee’s Cold Brew Reserve is a dark roast, single-origin coffee that is perfect for cold brewing. To make their signature cold brew recipe, all you need is a French press or a mason jar, some coarsely ground coffee, and cups of cold filtered water. The coffee is left to steep for 12-24 hours, and the result is a delicious, refreshing iced coffee that you can enjoy at any time of the day.
Stone Street Coffee is committed to ethical intimate sourcing relationships with coffee farmers, ensuring that they only use high-quality coffee beans in their products. So, whether you’re a coffee aficionado or just looking for a refreshing summer drink, Stone Street Coffee’s cold brew recipe is definitely worth a try.
Types of Coffee Blends and Grounds for
To make the perfect cold brew coffee using Stone Street Coffee’s Cold Brew Reserve, it is essential to use the right type of coffee blend and ground. As a single-origin coffee, the Cold Brew Reserve is sourced from one location and offers a unique flavor profile. Its dark roast profile is perfect for cold brewing, as it provides a bold and smooth taste that is perfect for a refreshing summer drink. When grinding coffee for the recipe, it is important to use a coarse grind to allow for a slow extraction of flavor.

Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Recipe
- 1 Moka pot
- 1 French Press or Mason Jar
- 1 Measuring Spoons
- 1 Coffee grinder
- 1 cup Stone Street Coffee's Cold Brew Reserve
- 3 cups Cold Filtered Water
Instructions without Moka Pot:
- Coarsely grind the Cold Brew Reserve coffee beans.
- Add the coffee grounds to a French Press or Mason Jar.
- Pour the cold filtered water over the coffee grounds.
- Stir well and let it steep for 12-24 hours.
- Strain the mixture using a fine mesh strainer or coffee filter to remove the grounds.
- Serve the cold brew over ice and enjoy.
Instructions with Moka Pot:
- Fill the bottom chamber of the Moka Pot with cold filtered water.
- Add the coarsely ground Cold Brew Reserve coffee to the filter basket.
- Assemble the Moka Pot and place it on medium heat.
- Once the coffee starts to brew, turn off the heat and let it cool.
- Pour the cold brew coffee into a jar and let it steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
- Strain the mixture using a fine mesh strainer or coffee filter to remove any leftover grounds.
- Serve the cold brew over ice and enjoy.
This recipe has no fat, 5 calories, no cholesterol, and no sodium. Additional Notes/Tips:
For a sweeter flavor, add sugar or any preferred sweeteners while brewing or during the steeping process. You can also add a splash of cream or milk to enhance the flavor. The longer the coffee steeps, the stronger the flavor will be. Store the cold brew coffee in a jar or airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
How to Prepare Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Recipe
Preparing Stone Street Coffee’s Cold Brew Reserve recipe is a simple process that can be done with just a few ingredients. Firstly, measure out the desired amount of coarsely ground coffee into a French press or mason jar. Next, add the cups of cold filtered water to the coffee, making sure to cover all the coffee grounds. Stir the mixture well and let it steep for 12-24 hours. Once the steeping process is complete, slowly press down on the plunger of the French press or strain the mixture from the mason jar. The result is a delicious cold brew coffee that is perfect for iced coffee or any other cold coffee drink.
Cold Brew Reserve is Stone Street Coffee’s unique blend of coffee beans specifically designed for cold brewing, resulting in a full flavor profile and bold coffee flavor.
The Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Recipe can be made using a French Press, Mason Jar, or a Moka Pot. However, using a Moka Pot is recommended for the best results.
The cold brew coffee can be stored in a jar or airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
No, the Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Recipe requires cold filtered water to be used to ensure the full flavor profile of the cold brew is achieved.
While you can use any coffee beans to make cold brew, using Stone Street Coffee’s Cold Brew Reserve will provide the best results due to its unique characteristics and full flavor profile designed for cold brewing.